Committee and Council Chair 

Purpose: The key roles of the Chair are to facilitate, coordinate and communicate – ensuring that the volunteers and committee members are actively engaged in the achievement of the Committee/Council’s and PMA’s work plan. The Chair should understand  the overall goals of the Committee/Council and PMA. The Chair also grooms the Vice- Chair and other Committee/Council members to serve in leadership roles. 

The Committee/Council Chair, in collaboration with PMA staff and Committee/Council members, actively participates in the work of the Committee/Council, provides thoughtful input to the deliberations, focuses on the best interests of PMA and its members and works toward the accomplishment of the goals as described in the strategic plan and budget of the Committee/Council and PMA.  

The Committee/Council Chair is principally responsible for making Committee/Council members feel good about their participation, and encouraging them to have fun and take advantage of opportunities to build their individual networks, acquire new skills and grow personally and professionally. 


Chair Selection: Committee/Council Chair is appointed annually by the PMA President

Length of Term: 12 months (January 1 – December 31) 

Recommended Length of Service: Two to four terms 


Specific Duties and Responsibilities:  

  • Work with the Committee/Council to develop or reaffirm the Committee/Council mission statement, annual objectives, budget and action plan for presentation to the Board of Directors. Note, the Board of Directors may modify the Committee/Council mission statement, annual objectives budget and/or action plan should they not be consistent with the Board’s vision or the Association’s available resources. 
  • Work with the Committee/Council to develop and maintain a rolling three-year Committee/Council strategic plan that details the Committee/Council’s present situation and outlines future goals and plans. Note, the Board of Directors may modify the Committee/Council strategic plan should it not be consistent with the Board’s vision or the Association’s available resources. 
  • Develop projects within the Committee/Council that will further the goals and objectives of the Committee/Council and PMA. 
  • Conduct a regularly scheduled Committee/Council meeting to communicate with members to ensure that volunteer obligations are fulfilled.  
  • Work with staff to develop an agenda for each committee meeting.  
  • Chair meetings, whether online or in person. 
  • Encourage participation in meetings by all attendees using interactive methods and conversations. 
  • Review meeting minutes.  
  • As necessary, assign Champions and/or subcommittees for each of the Committee/Council projects and work with Champions to ensure work items are accomplished throughout the year. 
  • Direct and monitor the progress of the Committee/Council’s efforts and ensure that Committee/Council business is carried out according to the Committee/Council’s established goals and priorities. 
  • Monitor the Committee/Council’s budget. If additional funding is required, the Committee/Council must draft a written request to the Secretary/Treasurer explaining the need for additional funds. If there is a variance from actual, the reasons for the variance should be explained in the report to the Board of Directors. 
  • Communicate as needed with the Board of Directors. 
  • Work with staff to write Committee/Council report for the Board of Directors prior to each Board meeting. The report will include a summary of the Committee’s activities in the previous month. 
  • Participate in an annual Committee/Council performance review with the Board of Directors. Questions that the Board poses concerning each Committee/Council may include: 
    • Did the Committee do what it said it would? 
    • How effectively did it do it? 
    • Did it perform on time? 
    • Did it perform within the budget? 
    • Is the proposed action plan/timetable realistic? 
    • Is the budget reasonable given past performance? 
  • Support diversity and inclusion by assisting in identifying and developing future PMA leaders, including identifying and encouraging a diverse group of applicants to the group and its projects. 
  • Respond promptly to correspondence and information requests. 
  • Maintain current membership in PMA during the volunteer term.  
  • Represent the Committee/Council at meetings of other PMA committees as requested. 
  • Participate in PMA Committee/Council leadership training activities. 
  • Provide guidance to the Vice-Chair so that he/she will be ready to succeed to the Chair position 
  • Honor outstanding contributions of Committee/Council members by nominating for PMA EPIC Awards.  
  • Accept and complete special assignments as requested.  
  • Support and attend events planned by Committee/Council. 


Qualifications and Desired Skills:  

  • Commitment to support PMA’s values, mission and goals. 
  • Strong facilitation, collaboration and communication skills, knowledge of Robert’s Rules of Order and an understanding of PMA’s policies and procedures. 
  • Leadership, project planning and delegation skills. 
  • Objectivity so that dialog is productive and contributions are encouraged from all sides of an issue. 
  • Decisiveness in order to tackle and resolve difficult issues and to keep committee business moving. 


Time Commitment:  

  • Approximately 2 hours per month to prepare for and attend for Committee/Council meetings. 
  • Approximately 1 hour per month to monitor Committee/Council progress. 
  • Approximately 8 hours per year to participate in PMA training and planning meetings. 
  • Approximately 8 hours per year for administrative and strategic planning work. 


Orientation, Training and Continued Education: The Chair will receive ongoing support and training from the Association, Board of Directors and Board Liaison.